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All Gas OG

Type :  Indica Dominant

Parentage :  Humboldt OG x Humboldt Venom OG

Stabilization :  F4

Flavor / Taste:  Diesel, Gas / Fuel, Pungent, Pine, Woody

Effect :  Deeply relaxing

Flowering Time:  55 days (September 25th – October 10th)

Similarities:  Venom OG, Asphalt Plant, Chemdog, Chem

All Gas OG Seeds

Humboldt Seed Company is a leading cannabis cultivation company, and our products are known for their extremely high quality. One of our star products is the All Gas OG seeds. Would you like to know more details about these marijuana seeds? Keep reading!

Description: What are All Gas OG seeds?

Previously known as Asphalt Plant, All Gas OG seeds are the result of the genetic cross between the cannabis varieties Humboldt Venom OG and Humboldt OG. From this cross, marijuana seeds with Indica predominance are born, with an average THC content of 21%.


One of the main characteristics of All Gas OG seeds is their size. They are known for producing large plants with dense buds that can acquire purple hues in the final flowering stage. These very compact buds are often covered in resin as well.

Likewise, these marijuana seeds stand out for their gasoline aroma with a touch of pine, in addition to the characteristic scent of the Skunk variety. Among their possible effects, this cannabis seed variety is highly relaxing and may help reduce stress and anxiety. It may also promote an increase in appetite.

- Genetics: Humboldt Venom OG and Humboldt OG

- Marijuana seeds: feminized seed

- Genotype: Indica predominance

- Indoor flowering: up to 55 days

- Outdoor flowering: from September 25th to October 10th

- THC: 21%

- Indoor yield: high

- Outdoor yield: high

What are the main benefits and effects of All Gas OG seeds?

The marijuana plants produced by All Gas OG seeds have potential benefits for their consumers. Their relaxing effects may help reduce anxiety and muscle spasms. They may also be helpful in addressing a lack of appetite.

On the other hand, among the other benefits of cannabis seeds, All Gas OG seeds are perfect for producing large crops. Their plants grow to a large size, as do their leaves. Moreover, they have a short flowering time (up to 55 days indoors), allowing you to achieve results quickly.

How should All Gas OG seeds be taken to achieve the best results?

Due to the delicious orange and pine aroma emitted by All Gas OG buds, the best way to enjoy them is by inhaling the smoke they produce. This way, you can fully enjoy their Skunk scent with gasoline undertones while immersing yourself in deep relaxation. Additionally, users report experiencing a sense of happiness and uncontrollable laughter after consumption. Furthermore, their dense buds are perfect for resin extraction.

How does the germination process for All Gas OG seeds work?

The germination process for these marijuana seeds is quite simple. Especially if you choose the paper towel or napkin method. Simply moisten four paper towels with mineral water and wring them out until they are damp, but not dripping.

Then, place the paper towels on a plate and place the seeds on top. Remember to leave a distance of about two or three centimeters between the seeds. Cover them with the remaining two paper towels, cover them with another plate, and leave them in a dark and protected place at a temperature between 21 and 32 degrees Celsius.

After this, you just have to keep them moist. In a few days, you will see them germinate.

Similar to All Gas OG seeds

If you would like to try other marijuana seeds similar to All Gas OG, there are some that are similar but with slight variations. For example, Gazzurple seeds also have a gassy flavor, although it tastes creamy and fruity and has Sativa predominance. On the other hand, California Sour Diesel seeds have Indica predominance, but their taste tends to be more sour and they may provide a relaxing effect similar to that of All Gas OG seeds.

Growing Guide

All Gas OG cannabis seeds have a similar growing method to the rest. That is, you will need to choose the appropriate lighting, humidity, temperature, and type of soil (if you are not using hydroponics) depending on the variety of seeds you have. There are many cannabis growing guides that you can consult online.

Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes, the fast flowering and ease of germination make these marijuana seeds suitable for both beginners and experts.

Flowering time

The flowering time of All Gas OG seeds is 55 days indoors or from late September to early October outdoors. Therefore, they are considered fast flowering. 

Germination time

Generally, the germination time of these marijuana seeds is between 2 and 10 days, although it depends on the method you used for germination.

Time to harvest

Indoors, they can be harvested at 55 days. Outdoors, the harvest time is from late September to early October.

Hydro or soil?

All Gas OG seeds can be grown in both soil and hydroponic systems.

Are there any effective ways to prevent diseases or pests in my plants?

The best way to prevent pests and diseases in your marijuana crops is to use high-quality products and keep the area disinfected. There are organic products available to prevent the appearance of mold and other pests, but it is necessary to carefully consult their usage guides, as they may affect the aroma and consistency.

Genetics of All Gas OG seeds

All Gas OG cannabis seeds come from the cross of the Humboldt OG and Humboldt Venom OG variants and have Indica predominance.

Where can I buy All Gas OG seeds?

You can purchase All Gas OG seeds and many other cannabis seeds securely on our website. Our shipments are discreet, we have multiple payment methods, and we ship to various countries, including Spain.

Are feminized seeds good for producing large harvests?

Feminized seeds, especially those with Indica predominance, are ideal for quickly producing large harvests.

What precautions should I take when buying or using All Gas OG seeds?

Keep in mind that in most countries, the cultivation of cannabis seeds is not legal. However, the legislation on marijuana in Spain specifies that it is legal as long as it is purely for personal use without the intention of selling and in private spaces that are not visible to the general public. It's important to research and understand the laws and regulations surrounding marijuana in your specific location before buying or using All Gas OG seeds or any other cannabis products. Additionally, it's important to handle and store these seeds responsibly and securely to prevent any unauthorized access or use.

About Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Our breeders have ensured that our feminized seeds are 99% or more female. According to our research together with the team of geneticists from UC Davis, we can say that in terms of performance they are identical to our line of regular seeds. It is important to monitor the growth of plants for male or hermaphroditic traits, whether they are planting Feminized, Regular or Clone seeds.